Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Keaau is the town right... There!

   Keaau is a town on the Big Island of Hawaii on the Hilo side, or East side of the Island. While Kona is famous for it's dryness (and coffee) Hilo side is a lot like Jurassic park-- except instead of big dinosaurs, we get geckos... Because of these extreme climate differences, some people don't realize that coffee can actually grow on both sides of the island.

   Hawaii is the only State in the U.S. that can grow coffee, vanilla and chocolate and Kona coffee tastes great because of the rich volcanic soil it lives in. We're growing our own coffee, just a couple bushes of it here in our yard on the rainy side of the island. Right now they look something like this:

This year I plan to go to several Kona coffee tastings, grow, dry and brew my own coffee, review local coffee shops and blog about it!

A hui hou!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lucy, nice photo. The coffee berries are redder now, maybe ready to harvest a few today?
